How to Get Rid of Kitchen Grease and Oil

When cooking on the stove with oil, you’re going to be gathering quite a bit of grease. It’s important to know that you should never be dumping the excess grease down the kitchen sink. This will cause a lot of problems over time, especially dumping grease and food down the drain. What happens when I… Read more »

Common Septic Tank Problems

Your septic system is a tank that holds biological waste from your home until the bacteria breaks it down.  Sometimes, problems can occur throughout this process, and some of it, is due to human mistakes in the household. Water in Tank – if there is more water in the tank than usual, this can cause… Read more »

What’s That Smell? Septic Tank Problems

Septic tanks can cause foul odors to arise in your yard.  This is never a good thing, but the issue can be fixed.  Certain gases coming out of the septic tank system can be very dangerous, so it’s important to make sure you take care of the problem as quickly as possible. Septic Tank System… Read more »

Don’t Wait to Clean Your Toilet

Your toilet can get pretty dirty as anyone would know, and it’s very important to clean it out regularly, so it doesn’t get even dirtier. Your bathroom in general hosts quite a bit of bacteria, and the more you use it, the more it gets filthy. This will happen because we use our bathroom every… Read more »

Signs Your Septic Tank Needs Repair

A septic tank problem is never fun. You rely on your septic system to keep your plumbing in proper working order, so it’s essential to make sure it’s doing the job. Freedom Septic Service will be able to repair if you notice any problems. Here Are the Telling Signs If you notice these problems, then… Read more »

Why Does My Toilet Get Clogged?

Yes, we have all been through this. You use the restroom, flush the toilet, and see the water start to rise.  Our heart jumps, and our eyes widen when we see it happen.  What could be worse? Using someone else’s toilet is worse. But let’s try and clear up why this can happen. The reasons… Read more »

When Should You Pump Out Your Septic Tank?

Your septic tank allows for safe wastewater disposal, so keeping it properly serviced is important for you and your tank’s health and safety. There are many signs that indicate it is time to pump out your septic tank; below we’ve highlighted the most common! Flooded drain fields Out of sight, out of mind: when you… Read more »

Septic Tank Do’s and Don’ts

Your septic tank is the foundation of your waste system. It’s how you keep your property’s hygiene up-to-code and how you manage sewage or any flooding. However, this well-oiled machine will only function properly with your help. Here are a few things to do—and more importantly—a few things not to do when it comes to… Read more »

Why Does Your Septic Tank Smell and How to Fix It

Your septic tank is a well-oiled machine in your home, easily getting the job done without much maintenance on your end. However, it’s possible for septic odors that can’t escape properly to begin seeping up throughout your home. So what’s actually causing the stench and what can you do to fix it? A clogged drain… Read more »

How to Save Water at Home

Many would agree that we take our clean water for granted sometimes and it’s easy to do because we are used to having it right at our disposal. However, it takes a lot of energy—and money—to ensure that our water stays clean and usable. Keep reading to learn how to be more efficient at home… Read more »