How to Save Water at Home

Many would agree that we take our clean water for granted sometimes and it’s easy to do because we are used to having it right at our disposal. However, it takes a lot of energy—and money—to ensure that our water stays clean and usable. Keep reading to learn how to be more efficient at home… Read more »

A Guide to Finding Your Septic Tank

You know what the issue is: it’s your septic tank. Something’s wrong, and it’s causing all sorts of problems throughout your property. Only problem is, you don’t know where it is! Believe us: you are not alone. Finding your septic tank can be easier said than done. That’s why we here at Freedom Septic Service… Read more »

Get Your Septic System Ready for Spring Showers

It might not feel like spring just yet here in Maryland, but before we know it these snow showers will give way to the steady rains of springtime. We tend to get a lot of precipitation in the early weeks of spring, which can put additional stress on your septic system if you’re not careful…. Read more »

Septic Tank Additives Can Do More Harm Than Good

We know that having a hygienic and functional septic system is essential for many of the homes and businesses in our area. At some point, you may have even heard that using additives can improve the performance of your septic system. The truth is, however, that using these septic additives isn’t always such a good… Read more »

Easy Ways to Conserve Water and Protect Your Septic System

If your home relies on a septic system, it’s a good idea to try to conserve the amount of water you use on a daily basis. Fortunately, it’s not that difficult to do. By slightly tweaking some of your normal activities, you can significantly cut down on your water usage and protect the health of… Read more »

How Does Soil Affect Your Septic System?

Before you have a septic system installed on your property, it’s important to have your yard’s soil tested to ensure that it will be able to handle everything that the septic system throws at it. Your soil will have a very important job, as it will be responsible for helping dispose of the effluent that… Read more »

How Do You Know If You Have a Septic Drain Field Problem?

How do you know if you have a septic drain field problem? There are several clues. First, do you notice that your toilets or drains aren’t flushing as fast as they used to? Have you heard any weird “septic noises?” Is your pump or high-level water alarm making noises? Next, outdoors where the septic drain… Read more »

Things to Avoid Dumping Down Your Drain

There are certain things that should go down the drain in your house and other things that should not. For instance, water from the kitchen sink or showerhead is meant to go down the drain. Coffee grounds, grease from the bacon you cooked on the stove, and eggshells are three things, for example, that belong… Read more »

Things to Avoid Putting In Your Septic System

Poop happens, right? A septic system is able to handle a lot of poop, but there are some things it’s not made to handle, like grease, tampons or motor oil. Septic systems are self-contained underground wastewater treatment systems. If your home isn’t connected to a municipal sewer system, you probably have a septic tank buried… Read more »

Erratic Weather Leads to Broken Septic Tanks

All over the country, the strange weather is wreaking havoc on people’s minds and pocketbooks. In some areas, the weather is unseasonably warm whereas in other parts there are ongoing Snowmageddons that are tearing families apart. This week Winter Storm Kayla is spreading blizzard conditions through the Plains and Upper Midwest. Compare that to the… Read more »