When it comes to septic tanks, there are a few things that can go wrong. Although these systems come with many benefits, there are some things you need to pay careful attention to. We can fix just about any issue you run into, but being able to identify warning signs is always important. Follow this guide to learn more about some of the most common septic tank problems.
One of the most prevalent and identifiable issues you may experience with a septic tank is a soakaway failure. Some of the telltale signs of a soakaway failure include a gurgling sound in all of your drains, toilets that overflow every time you flush them, bad odors coming from the building and outside, and toilets that take a long time to flush away water.
A more general but still important thing to be aware of is the fact that tanks can deteriorate over time. This is something to be especially aware of if you have an older septic tank, more properties have recently joined the system, or you are noticing strange noises coming from the tank itself.
Other issues can pop up if you fail to empty your septic tank on a yearly basis. The last thing you want is excess sludge clogging up the opening and filling your soakaway pit. This can lead to the entire septic system failing, and could even cause major damage to the tank itself.
These are just a few of the most common issues you may experience with your septic system. If you are noticing any early warning signs, or just want to ensure you tank is operating smoothly, give us a call today!
This post is the one that taught me that the septic system deteriorates over time. To be honest, I thought septic tanks were created to stand the test of time. I guess I was wrong. And since the system has been around before I was born, I think it makes sense that we get it checked to see how it’s doing. Thank you for sharing.
It sure was good to be aware that septic tanks can deteriorate over time and so a person should be careful if they have an older septic system. I am aware that the septic system of the house is fairly new, so what I need to focus on is to find ways to make sure it does not deteriorate fast. Perhaps, what we can do is have it serviced or maintained. I will mention this to my mom since she is the one most concerned with potential clogging.
It was interesting how you talked about the soakaway failure and that it is when there are gurgling sounds from the drains and overflowing of toilet water. I have been experiencing those signs for a while now, and it really has gotten me worried. Just the other day, the water from toilet overflowed and flooded the bathroom floor slightly. I am really hoping that a professional can still save the system. Thanks.
I appreciate it when you explained that one of the telltale signs that the soakaway has a problem is that all of the drainages in the house is failing to work properly. The first one to fail was the kitchen sink, then everything else followed soon immediately. I thought we can still fix, but I guess we can’t. It might be best if I call a professional to do the repairs for us as I would not want to make the problem any worse.
I appreciate you saying that septic tanks do deteriorate over time and that if they are getting worse, most likely, the person will hear strange noises coming from within it. I am yet to hear noises, so I guess that means the tank hasn’t deteriorated yet. Aside from that, the tank is fairly new being installed not more than ten years ago. Maybe we just need pumping to get it back to its feet. Thank you.
Thanks for pointing out that we may have soakaway failure if we notice the toilets in our home take a long time to flush away water. For the last few days, I’ve noticed the problem you described has been happening to every toilet in my home. I wasn’t sure what the cause could be, so I’m glad you pointed out that I probably need septic system repair!