Septic tanks, in general, stay filled to their normal liquid level, which is between 8 and 12 inches from the top of the tank. If the liquid level goes above the outlet pipe, or approaches the top of the tank, then it’s considered “overfull.” So, it’s better to think in terms of an “overfull” tank than a full one, because full is fine while overfull can be bad. Tanks tend to be overfull when there’s a problem with the absorption area. It’s also likely that there’s a plumbing problem.
This can cause problems, which will need to be fixed. It’s always smart to stay alert if you think there is a problem, and contact a professional like Freedom Septic Service.
What to Check for if You Have an Overfilled Tank
If you have a “cleanout” that’s located between your house and your tank, you can look to see if there’s any backup in that cleanout. If you don’t find any sewage backup there, then it’s most likely that wastewater isn’t making it to the clean out and you have a plumbing problem. Now if there is backup at the cleanout, you might have a septic system problem.
Generally, septic tanks should stay at their normal liquid level, with effluent entering the nearby absorption area. Once in a while, for whatever reason, an absorption area may not be accepting wastewater like you’d hope it would. When this happens, the tank ends up in overfull mode, and while pumping out the tank may help, there’s usually more work to be done to fix the problem.
Hire a Professional
Freedom Septic Service recommends routinely pumping out your system, while also limiting grease discharge and the use of garbage disposals. Also, never flush acids, polishes, oil, paint or grease down your drains; using biodegradable products is best.
Should you suspect there’s a problem with your septic system, and that your tank might be overfull, please call 410-795-2947 and make an appointment for a professional check-up.
Thanks for sharing this post. After years of service, i can honestly say that the best way to keep a septic tank working at its peak efficiency is by continually maintaining it. Septic tanks, if not properly maintained, can easily run into the $10k+ price range to replace them. Thanks again.
Thank you for telling me that an overfull septic tank can cause us some household problems and needs to be addressed immediately. We recently moved to a house with a septic system and since we weren’t informed beforehand by the property manager, we’re not sure how to maintain it. It might be better to look for professionals we can hire and have them come over so they can check if we have an overfull tank.
Good post. The very best thing you can do is obviously routine maintenance. I know, it’s not the top thing on people’s list for maintenance around the place but, seriously, the cost of having to replace is way more than the routine pumping and maintenance.